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Zuckerberg explain: Trump post on facebook

On Friday Mark Zuckerberg posted the explanation of why his company is not deleting the posts from the accounts that are linked with President Donald Trump that appeared to provoke violence against American citizens. 

Zuckerberg said in a post that “ We looked very closely at the post that discussed the protests in Minnesota to evaluate whether it violated our policies, Our policy around incitement of violence allows discussion around state use of force, although I think today’s situation raises important questions about what potential limits of that discussion should be.”

Employees of Facebook asked some questions regarding this matter at an all-hands company-wide meeting with Mark Zuckerberg and he responded to them explaining that Trump’s recent posts did not incite any violence, which means that he has not broken any Facebook’s rules. He added that he and his company had explored all their policies and were thinking of some ways to flag violating posts instead of directly taking them down. 

Trump has posted a tweet saying  “When the looting starts, the shooting starts.” This post was related to the death of George Floyd, a 42-year-old who was unarmed black American on May 25 and the protests that followed. Zuckerberg also defended Facebook’s position by saying that he will not take any action on the posts from the President because he thinks that people should know if the government is planning to deploy force.

According to reports, Facebook has also removed some accounts which were related to the white nationalist groups after some supporter brought some weapons to the current wave of anti-racist protests. Zuckerberg has also suggested that Facebook will use this opportunity to answer some of the questions but for now, the company’s response only begs more questions. 



June 4


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