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8 Amazing Strategies to Handle Layoff

8 Amazing Strategies to Handle Layoff

Have you ever been laid off? It’s a difficult and unsettling experience, especially in this uncertain economy. Losing a job can be disheartening and overwhelming.

Layoffs affect millions of people every year and the numbers are on the rise with the pandemic we are living in. Unemployment may be daunting in the short term, but it can also offer new opportunities to advance your career and build something new.

The current economic crisis has been hitting hard on businesses and employees alike. No matter how secure your job may have seemed before, it’s important to know that no one is completely exempt from being laid off. It’s important that you are aware of coping techniques which will alleviate the stress on you during this difficult period, which vary depending on the kind of layoff you experience.

Unemployment and layoff rise during a Recession. A recession is a slowdown in economic activity, labour is a key economic input, technological disruption, and capital. When a recession begins and companies look for ways to manage slowing demand for the goods and services they sell, many may resort to laying off workers to cut costs of the company.

Whatever the reason, layoffs are always the most difficult stage of a company's life, whether they were caused by management or employees. A layoff is an unfortunate occurrence, but sometimes necessary in order to run a business efficiently and effectively. It's unpleasant, jarring and completely upsetting not only for the employees, but also for the company as a whole.

Though having to deal with a layoff can seem extremely daunting, with the right strategies and attitude, people can turn their greatest misfortune into a new opportunity for themselves.

Here are some amazing strategies to help you handle layoff more effectively and get back up again.

1) Keep calm

When layoffs hit, the immediate reaction of those left behind is often panic and anxiety. Overcome this panic and anxiety situation you can have a plan for what you’d do if you Try to be calm and understand the situation and how you will manage. 

For example, the layoff will affect your career and lifestyle, so you need to know how you will cut the household budget and where you could find alternate health insurance. Try evaluating your skills and investigating other jobs in and out of your field.

2) Don’t try to keep grief and frustration

Keeping grief, frustration and depression is a lack of response either in emotion or action which can create trouble. First, you find it hard to engage but that is not a sign of weakness to outlet your feelings.

 If you don’t let it out, you won’t get better. Try to surround yourself with positive, supportive people. Office gossip with excessively negative colleagues is unproductive and will only make you feel worse so it's better to speak out and clear things in the workplace before leaving the job.

3) Low self-esteem or confidence

When you lack self-esteem or confidence, you may avoid social situations, try new things in your career. Avoiding challenging and difficult situations might make you feel safe in the short term. You should find a sense of value and purpose in your profession rather than in your company. 

Place your self-esteem in your own hands and try to solve it on your own and not your organisation’s hand.

4) Empower yourself

Layoffs can affect you, but you should empower yourself and develop transferable skills. Proactively developing your professional skills is always a wise decision, whether you take a community-education course or find alternative income opportunities. It’s not disloyal to look after yourself, you can take decisions and take charge of your destiny. 

5) Manage your stress

Practice your best stress-management techniques and try to keep your life in balance. Avoid watching the news, disturbing movies or disturbing content. If they put you in a bad mood. 

Try to do exercise or make a new routine to keep yourself busy and avoid isolating yourself. Help yourself cope with stress and connect with your friends, family or mentor whom you trust. 

6) Maintain a good perspective

When you  feel stressed due to layoff it is easy to get everything out of perspective. Minor things can become major positives. When you get something out of perspective you fail to judge its real importance in comparison with everything else.

When you are feeling stressed your perspective changes you tend to focus totally on what is not going well. Set yourself back from the situation and consider what is going well, what you have achieved and how much you have progressed. This will help you to maintain a good perspective.

7. Embrace the Change

Recognize that layoffs are part of the business cycle and can lead to new opportunities. Reflect on what you have learned from the situation and make a plan moving forward. Also, use this time for self-care, personal development, and creating a long term vision for growth.

8. Develop a budget

Layoffs often mean less money coming in, so it is essential to develop a budget that will help you manage your finances. Separate your needs and wants. Allocate money to necessary expenses first (i.e. rent, utilities, groceries).


Layoff, also called redundancy, is the temporary suspension or permanent termination of employment of employees for business reasons, such as when certain positions are no longer necessary or when a business slow-down occurs. 

Originally the term layoff referred exclusively to a temporary interruption in work, as when business work cyclically falls off. The term, however, usually means the permanent elimination of a position, requiring the addition of "temporary" to specify the original meaning.


What are the different types of layoffs?

The different types of layoffs are 

  • Reduction in time (RIT): A career employee's appointment percentage is reduced.

  • Layoff: A career employee's position is eliminated.

Is layoff the same as fired?

The main difference between being laid off vs. getting fired is that a layoff is the fault of an employer while a firing occurs because of the employee's fault. 

What are the main reasons for layoffs?

For regular professional staff, a layoff is the elimination of a position due to a lack of work, a lack of funds and/or because of a reorganization.


December 20


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