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Online Courses To Get A Job In 2021 And To Support A Good Career In The Future

Online Courses To Get A Job In 2021 And To Support A Good Career In The Future

COVID-19 crisis has thrust online digital learning into a spotlight that couldn’t have been predicted. Whether you’re looking for a new job, trying to expand your CV, position yourself for a promotion, or simply seeking something productive by staying at home, online courses are a great option and today we have wider options than becoming a Doctor, Teacher or an Engineering today. They can help you expand your knowledge,\ skills, and get hired.

But then it’s harder than ever to decide what program or course is right for you and best for your resume. The range of quality, credentials, and price of course can create “analysis paralysis” for prospective students and parents.

Finding and choosing the right course will make your future. Online courses demand is increasing every year as digitalization keeps spreading throughout the country and will go on for years you will never regret it.

Here are the best online courses and programs to get a job in 2021 and to support a good career in the future.

1. Cybersecurity

Nowadays everyone is executing their financial activities online, cybersecurity is going to happen anyway to prevent theft, cyberattacks and unforeseen ransomware. Cybersecurity jobs are the most highly demanded jobs in today's world. If you are interested in the Internet world, you can pursue a cybersecurity course or problem online. Right from fin-tech to the eCommerce market, today the global consumer is making every transaction online or through their mobile app. It is mandatory to provide high cybersecurity.

You can conduct a cybersecurity course online, which will help you to understand the nature of cyberattacks, identifying online threats and taking preventive measures according to the crime. In this course, you will learn to assess technical things which help you to manage the risks and understand how to take preventive and predictive measurements to avoid different kinds of online threats.

2. Data Science 

In 2022 as per the job posting on LinkedIn, India is expected to see around 150,000 jobs of a Data Scientist last year, which is more around 62% from 2019. Industrial sectors like Pharmaceutical, aeronautics, oil and energy and marketing are seeking Data Scientists for their analytics work. Data Scientists courses with just three years of experience can earn up to Rs. 20,00,000 annually, thus making data science one of the best online courses to which gives a high paying job today and in future.

3. Data Analyst

A Data Analyst requires to apply proper statistical techniques, knowledge and logical thinking to extract the necessary data from the unstructured and massive pool of data. You need to help the organizations to carry qualitative research for producing structured data that your company can use to carry out their marketing, administrative and production operations.

It is closely related to Data Science, but there are many critical differences between the Data Analyst’s job and Data Scientist’s job. Unlike Data Scientists, they aren't required to do much coding and programming. But you should have knowledge of the latest data technologies and programming languages like Python, Ruby on Rails, R, MySQL, and many others. And the Data Analyst can earn up to $105,000 annually and as low as $69,000.

4. Web Designing

If you love visual things, then the Web Designing course is the best option for you. Web Designing includes creating beautiful designs, including logos, web designs, web pages, brochures, and other graphic and print media things. Besides the visual part, you must have knowledge about learning programming languages like HTML, XHTML, Javascript, CSS and more. The average annual salary of a web designer is approximately $60,000.

5. VFX Training And Character Animation Degree

The technology focusing on gadgets and smart devices brings a new gaming and movie era in today's digital world. The gaming industry is fueled by augmented reality and virtual reality, which gave birth to modern digitized technology, namely VFX and character animation.

In the VFX training course, you will learn the advanced VFX effects, software skills and innovative techniques extensively used in making movies and the gaming world. A VFX artist has huge scope due to increasing demand in films, animated films, and games. The average yearly salary of a VFX artist who has at least 5 to 7 years of experience is $75,000, while the character animator makes $65,000 annually.

6. Software Development

Software Development is in high demand in the digital market, with the emergence of mobile apps and web apps. A Software Developer works out on different programming languages including C++, Java, .NET, ReactJS, etc. Being a Software Developer, you need to create mobile apps, web apps, and software that are useful for the company.

The Software Development and programming languages course needs you to aim at the latest coding techniques and latest development methods including Hadoop, JavaScript, iOS, Android, Unity and many others. They can earn up to $108,000 annually.

7. Computer Hardware Engineering And Networking

The computer hardware and networking course focuses on maintaining and repairing the core elements of the computers and here you need to work on normal problems that arise due to the regular use of computing equipment. You can strategize predictive and preventive measurements to avoid major repairs to the device.

In the computer hardware and networking course, you will learn different topics like LAN, DTP, CCNA etc. The average salary you get is around $114,000.

8. Graphic Designing

Blank papers and sketch pens have always excited you and spend most of your free time drawing and doodling, then it's time to take your hobby to another level and learn graphic designing online courses. If you love creativity, especially when it comes to expressing ideas through sketching and designing, try your hands at Photoshop and other various graphic designing software and learn to build creative websites and much more.

9. Online MBA

Online MBA programs are very famous and you can even say trendy these days especially for working professionals who couldn't afford to pursue a full-time MBA. Online MBA programs are offered by various institutes in India. They have an identical syllabus to that of a full-time MBA program, that covers all the knowledge, which you need to work in an organization, the only difference being that online MBA courses are shorter and have flexible timings for the ease of working professionals.

10. Social Media Marketing

Nowadays Business owners are hiring people to do this job. You need to tell the world about business and what could be the best way to get information other than through social media. The promotion of your business online through social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc is social media marketing and since everyone is social these days, companies are looking for a special person who knows tricks and has creative thoughts who can bring new strategies for their business to grow.

11. Programming

Programming is an important part of setting up a website. There are various programming languages to learn from. It's basically code algorithms in programming languages to run a program successfully. If you are interested in solving complex algorithms and learn to program online and help to solve complex codes on the back-end to smoothly run programs on the front-end of a website.

12. Foreign Language Courses

Learning a foreign language can add super points to your resume. Additionally, it will help you to improve your vocabulary and interacting skills which can help you to even grow your organizational skills. So enrol yourself in your favourite foreign language courses soon. Learning a foreign language to get a job as a translator in a company or you can start a freelance job too.

13. App Development

Today as everything is online you have an app for everything. This is because you have been using mobile apps for every task that could be done online, from grocery shopping to reading news, booking cabs and learning etc. Online app development online courses and create innovative apps that will help people in their day to day lives.

14. Film Making

The people who are interested in things that happen behind the camera can enrol themselves in a film making online course and learn the basics about the film industry. People who have always been enthusiastic about movie-making but couldn't pursue a career in the field can take up a short term course online and acquire skills to direct their own short films and feature films.

15. Human Resource Management

If you think you have good managerial skills, especially the ability to manage and coordinate with people at the workplace, try out Human Resource management which is also known as HR. This is one field where the job demand will always be high and proving your position can be rewarding. Find a good HR management course online.

16. Photography

Good photos are so important for any kind of work, it can be personal or professional. You need some good photos of yourself and someone of your loved one to share them across social media. Basically, you can say it's a trend, right you need to click good photos when you are travelling or doing some silly things, you need good photos for your products for marketing when you run an e-commerce store.

You can make stories through a series of photographs. Now people are so digital that you can make it a career. There are many institutes across the countries that offer online photography courses too. Once you get the training, you can do freelance or work for ad agencies, television channels etc.

17. Creative Writing

If you can weave stories in your head with anything and everything, even in your daily life. You can go for creative writing courses online. Creative writing courses are really very helpful in shaping your thoughts and growing your creative process to bring out wonderfully written articles and stories that are worth reading. You can also become a freelance writer for various websites or bag a job in a creative writing company.


August 23


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