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7 Most common challenges faced by a business startup

In today’s time of uncertainties, challenges are not exceptions for any business startups. Digital transformation, global turmoil, political damage, and changing markets worldwide are the major issues to be dealt with. Here are some of the most common challenges faced by a business startup :

  • Finance 

One of the biggest challenges revolves around finances. Funding plays a crucial role in the startup for launching a comprehensive market plan, hiring the right people, and improving technology. From dog food to SaaS (Software as a Service) items, finance plays the game. Hence, startups rely on investors for financial backup. At times when there is cash inrush, startups find it hard to manage their finances properly.

Taking advice from finance consultancy services can help out in managing finances.

  • Building a Right Team

Building a strong team is the essence of success. In this ever-changing time, startups face difficulty in finding loyal partners. Delay in identifying the right personalities and skills are costly. Many startups face trouble after hiring the wrong people. A team must contain people of identical focus and similar strengths. 

  • Neglecting Marketing and Sales

Not building your sales and marketing functions from the ground up can create a difficult situation for the startup. Marketing operations have a significant impact on customers. Startups in the initial days if not visualize the marketing needs, the ROI also is not very high to meet the future expansion of the startup. 

Moreover, venture capitalists and investors if they don’t see the proper marketing plan may deny investing in the startup.

  • Lower Price Products and Services

At an initial stage, if your competition is with the top businesses, you may keep the production costs low. But after your startup expands, you must change the product/service price to gain a lucrative return. Many startups delay in this process and face financial issues. 

  • Cyber Security 

Cybercrime rates have increased over the past few years. Hackers take the advantage of any loophole within the installed systems. To protect the startup’s sensitive information, startups need to have military-grade security systems. A virtual private network (VPN) connection safeguards the startup’s information and employee records by using public-key encryption and data security to the employees.

  • Time Management

Time management is still a big challenge for many entrepreneurs. Failing to prioritize time for important tasks and ineffectively scheduling them may lead to task failure. Some startups have a strong plan to get ahead but not valuing time causes their downfall. Managing numerous distractions that come during work is difficult for many people.

Delegating the tasks that are not urgent and prioritizing the ones that require attention immediately is the key element in time management. 

  • Customer Service

Customers are the real force behind a startup’s success. Winning the trust of the customers is the top priority of every business, a startup in particular as a highly contented and loyal customer base make it progress and achieve the heights in its field. Feedbacks from customers help to improve the management and motivates for perfection. 

To succeed, you must learn to overcome obstacles. Find a problem that actually needs a solution. Most startups don’t understand the actual challenge they are facing and approach in the wrong direction. Identify multiple solutions and prioritize them with the most simple on top. Start trying them until you find the right one.


October 1


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