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How excessive work can affect Business and employees life

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  • How excessive work can affect Business and employees life

Working overtime leads to lowering the company’s productivity and ultimately brings loss to the company. Many employees work overtime without getting their employer’s compensation or paid for overtime.

Even with the digital revolution, many people still feel that they cannot meet the demands of their employers on time and this puts them worried. Due to personal reasons and more involvement in personal lives, they ignore their work to get their jobs done and that’s the reason why they are forced or pushed to leave their work or job. The weight of pressure makes them feel more stressed which makes them feel low.

Having excessive work make people worried, due to which they gradually don’t perform tier duty very well. They feel that they don’t have any life other than work and that thing gradually burns them out. Working continuously without any rest lowers productivity which brings a negative impact on the company’s success and business. 

In the end, the company will face many employees requesting/ taking a sick leave or simply just perform below their previous level.

Although it is believed that working overtime can increase the overall output or result of the business, the fact is that it will be only for a short period. If things like working overtime stay continuous then workers will get exhausted from their daily routines.

The aim or motive of the businesses is to earn and attract more and more clients. Employees often work overtime or ask to work overtime to reduce the costs but this often results in having long working hours. And working overtime can be injurious to employee’s health. 

If any employee is working overtime daily then it will lead to lower productivity and ultimately bring losses to the company. However, many companies across the world have this trend of working late at night, without receiving additional compensation from the employer.

Although many employees distinguish themselves during rush jobs, having rush jobs doesn’t mean that you should overuse time. When a company fails to give clear priority to their tasks, rush jobs come in the way.

When there is excessive work in a company even when the number of staff for work is available there might still be rush work most especially when in a poorly organized company, certain work remains hanging.

To understand whether the employees are willing to work under stress, make decisions more fastly, and take responsibility, then the rush job is the best way to learn an employee. In any crisis, when there is a lack of time, employees who work and show their hidden possibilities and weaknesses is the best time for any company to know which employee is best or most suitable for their company. 

Therefore, employees who work rush jobs in the times of crisis can be considered as the most reliable employees. Because their aim or motivation is not money, but the motivation which is going inside them, which helps them to take the initiative and desire to prove to all their usefulness, and superiority at the right time.

Apart from the business consequence that results in the fall or fails of the business and the inability to deliver effectively and efficiently. It also takes a toll on the health of the employees which may result in depression and disconnection from their personal life.

Therefore, because of such circumstances, companies lose fewer employees who can work under such conditions. The solution to this is for companies to manage overtime, take steps to increase productivity during the regular workweek.

So, it is essential for managers to understand the negative impacts of excessive workloads on your employees and take the necessary steps to reduce the stress and workload for your employees.


नवम्बर 17


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