The Importance Of Time Management: 7 Tips For Boosting Your Productivity

Time management is essential in how you make use of your time. Your productivity is based on what, and how much, you do in a given time. What you can accomplish in a day dictates how quickly your task can be completed.

Organizing one’s day is the first step towards success. Setting realistic goals and managing time efficiently, can dramatically increase productivity and eliminate stress.

To maximize efficiency, start by dispelling preconceived notions that may be holding you back. Identify which tasks are most important first to prioritize and plan accordingly.

Break large tasks into smaller chunks, setting aside specific blocks of time for them. Do with a timer and stay focused on one task until it’s complete to avoid procrastination and maximize effectiveness.

Planning rest, relaxation or break times helps foster creative thinking as well as manage stress or fatigue levels and also set boundaries between personal life and work commitments.

Estimate how long each task should take in order to create accurate schedules for each day, week or month and stick with them! Monitor progress, assessing both successes and areas in need of improvement so you can adjust your plans accordingly over time.

A study by Inc.com showed that average workers were productive for fewer than four hours a day. That’s less than 10 hours of productivity in the average 40-hour workweek. To work more efficiently and be productive, you need to know how to make the most of your time.

Allow yourself to make mistakes; use those “mishaps” as opportunities to learn from mistakes while staying motivated by small victories along the way – Celebrate accomplishments no matter how big or small they may be! Knowing the importance of time management lets you enhance your performance and boost your productivity. Let’s start with the basics of time management

Basics of time management

Time management is the effective use of your time that lets you plan your days in such a way that you finish your work with less effort and make the most of the limited time you’ve got.

When you lacking in your time management skills, you are more likely to:

  • Miss project deadlines
  • Produce low-quality work
  • Disrupt our work-life balance
  • Feel more stressed
  • Harm our professional reputation

To better understand the benefits of good time management, here are the benefits of time management. Knowing how to manage your time properly is vital as it brings productivity benefits to your work routine and life overall.

Here are some reasons why time management is important

1) Helps you to achieve goals

When you understand the importance of time management, you gain the motivation to stop sitting around and start pursuing your goals which helps you to be productive.

2) Helps you get more things done

When you manage your time, you get more things done and save more time for activities you love to do. Allocating a specific time, say 1 hour, to a task and sticking to your plan will have a better effect on a task and help you to be productive.

3) Helps you manage your time and avoid problems

Properly managing time includes making a to-do list, allocating time to each task from your to-do list, and then scheduling those tasks on your calendar. Will help you to think about what you have to do next, and whether you’ll have to finish everything you need to.

4) Make you feel more productive and self-confident

When you manage your time, you’ll enjoy the feeling of getting things completed. When you invest yourself in time management, you’ll feel more capable of doing anything on your to-do list. Will help you to live up to your expectations and in turn, feel a boost of productivity, and self-confidence about yourself.

5) Helps you to stay calm and less stressed over time

When you properly manage time, you don’t have to worry about missing deadlines or forgetting things because you already planned your time in such a way that prevents it.

7 Time Management Tips To  Boost Your Productivity

Avoid procrastination by taking action rather than worrying that something may not turn out perfectly – it’s better to start on a task and make tweaks along the way than waste valuable time overthinking potential outcomes and not taking any action at all! Here are 7 Time Management Tips To  Boost Your Productivity.

1. Set clear goals

When creating a plan for your day, setting a timeline and goals are two things you want to consider. While setting a timeline gives you an idea of how long it’ll take you to complete the task, setting your goals lets you focus your energy on the things you want to achieve.

2. Prioritize

One of the best ways to stay focused on accomplishing your daily task is by prioritizing will help you to stay productive. Start by creating a to-do list of tasks that need to get done which are your main priorities.

Make sure to order tasks by effort and start planning your time accordingly. Creating a list will help you visualize and sort your goals or tasks which are long goals and short goals as well as determine what is most relevant, as well as what is most urgent.

3. Create a routine

The creating your routine, the easier it gets to become productive. Whether you work better in the morning or late in the night, plan your tasks in such a way that you know you will be most productive, throughout the day or even for a month.

4. Avoid distractions

Time management helps you to be dedicated to the task. The importance of time management helps to avoid distractions on television, social media or messaging during that time. If you’re working in a public space, find a quiet corner to stay focused on your task. Some people like to work in a silent space, while others might like music while working.

5. Don’t do multitasking

Multitasking doesn’t mean staying productive. Instead of dividing your attention into three different things, it’s better to focus on one thing at a time. Making it more effective means allocating a time period for every task which, as a result, increases the likelihood of its successful completion.

6. Sleep

Studies have shown that when we have good sleep, we are healthier, more productive and less stressed in life. Good sleeping habit is a harmful factor that could affect many things both positively and negatively.

When you get a good rest, you don’t feel fresh and rejuvenated, but it also contributes to a healthy lifestyle and staying productive.

7 . Don’t feel bad about failing

A lot of people fear failure, it’s human nature basically. Spending time stressing about your failing is taking time from your being productive. Just try to jump into the situation, and beat your fears. Believing in what you’re doing, and focusing on why you’re doing it will help you to be productive.


The Importance of time management: it doesn’t matter what stage you’re at. Making the most efficient use of your time would be very wise. Working smarter, not harder, should be the goal but that isn’t enough takes discipline, patience and planning.

The benefits of time management include greater productivity, less stress and more opportunities to do the things that matter.

If you try all or some of these time management tips to boost your productivity, you will very likely start feeling more in control, with the confidence to choose how best to use your time management.

Execute each task mindful of its importance and the rewards it yields. Make lists and prioritize, breaking big projects into smaller tasks that are manageable and achievable. Set deadlines and keep them; don’t procrastinate or focus on perfectionism as it is often fruitless.

FAQ’s on Time Management & Productivity:

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Make The Most Of Your One-on-One Meetings

Do you find one-on-one meetings a bit daunting? Do you always come away with a vague feeling of unease about having not made the most of the time together?

Organizations today are increasingly utilizing one-on-one meetings, both remotely and in person, to foster more meaningful connections and collaborations between employees. But many people don’t know how to maximize these crucial interactions and make the most of their time on the clock.

Knowing how to attend a one-on-one meeting confidently is an underused job skill. Often, one-on-one sessions are between managers and their direct reports or peer-to-peer with employees. The primary purpose of these meetings is to build trust and identify any issues or concerns about work-related things.

Depending on the specific roles in the organization, managers should conduct one-on-one meetings regularly. However, they should generally occur at least once a week or for months.

If you want to make the best use of your one-on-one meetings, then this article is for you. Here, we will discuss several tips for leveraging technology, active listening, and other practical ideas to help ensure you get the maximum benefit from each meeting.

One-on-one meetings: what are they?

A one-on-one meeting (pronounced 1:1 or one-to-one meeting) is a regular check-in between two people in an organisation – typically a manager and any employee. It’s used to give feedback, keep each other in the loop, resolve issues, and help the participants grow in their roles.

The free-form, employee-aimed nature that goes beyond status updates is what makes the one-on-one special. It’s often considered the most important meeting because it lays the foundation for a trusting and productive organisation.

One-on-one meetings can also be held between employees and their mentors, their boss’s boss or anyone in the organisation.

One-on-one meetings are key to successful ongoing feedback way. They give managers and their direct reports uninterrupted time to discuss projects, review performance, remove errors, and more. It also allows managers to get to know their employees on a more personal level. These weekly or monthly meetings let managers and their employees discuss career aspirations, interests, and professional growth opportunities, an important way to engage employees and invest in their long-term working period in the organisation.

The importance of one-on-one meetings

1. They strengthen relationships between teams

The one-on-one meeting helps you to make sure you and your team are aligned. Regular check-ins on issues allow you immediate and regular feedback and promote open communication channels.

2. They improve productivity

Weekly or monthly one-on-one meetings boost productivity and cut wasted time.

3. It’s beneficial to everyone in the organisation

It gives you the opportunity to discuss needs, goals, and expectations, but you’ll also give the organisation advantage of weekly updates attention. Within this time, your employees have the chance to relay their progress and receive a clear vision for upcoming priorities.

The benefits of one-on-one meetings

will be different according to the company, every manager, and every direct report. But while each approach will be different, the goal of these meetings should all be the same—to maintain open communication

1) Improve performance:

Weekly or monthly performance reviews are often checked in a one-on-one meeting. This allows managers to stay on top of employee productivity and ensure the team will meet its goals.

2) Drive development:

89% of millennials value growth and professional development in a job and the perfect time to discuss personal and professional growth as well.

3) Build trust:

One-on-one meetings give employees an opportunity to get personal. Direct reports and managers can get to know one another and build lasting relationships.

4) Increase team acknowledgement:

One-on-one meetings give employees an opportunity to identify and address blockers, challenges, and matters with their managers as they arise. They also give teams an opportunity to check if goals or objectives become outdated

Disadvantages of one-on-one meetings

1) Skipping meetings:

One-on-one meetings are very important to keeping managers and direct reports on the same page but if any person skips meetings, it implies they don’t appreciate the other person’s time and could hurt the manager and that employee’s relationship.

2) Rushing through feedback:

Even in short meetings, managers should give creative feedback and deliver it in a constructive manner. Make sure your managers are familiar with how best to deliver and receive feedback so that every employee gets an equal opportunity to improve their work according to the requirement.

3) Not get enough time:

While managers should be engaged and ask questions during one-on-one ultimately, they should let direct reports take the lead, which will let them steer the conversation and bring up new subjects like issues they’re having at work or home, as well as their career aspirations and professional interests.

How often should you have one-on-ones?

According to a report by The State of High Performing Teams in Tech, having one-on-ones weekly for 30 minutes is the most commonplace. Although 30-minute weekly one-on-ones seem to be the most common thing, the length and frequency of your one-on-one meeting will differ for each manager-employee relationship.

The purpose of having one-on-one meetings

One-on-ones are a tool to keep your team members engaged and build trust in the organization. One-on-ones are a valuable way to deal with a lot of common workplace challenges and even eliminate the issue altogether.

One-on-ones are a dedicated time to talk about whatever’s needed for the issue or project but should be more than a status update meeting. Ideally, One-on-One conversations are balanced between growth, communication, motivation and work.

Difference between one on one and group meetings

One-on-one meeting Group meeting
A one-on-one meeting making time for an employee shows you care and is the optimal time to check in with that member of your team on how they are doing in their role, their strengths, weaknesses, and what you can do to help them succeed. A group meeting can be your organization in various ways a one-on-one cannot. This is a chance to get everyone on the same page and encourage communication, collaboration, and workplace culture.
The one-on-one meeting gives you chance to have a personal, honest conversation. Whether it be with a new employee or someone who has been with the company for years, an individual meeting gives you both an opportunity to build a stronger relationship and trust. Departments that wouldn’t regularly interact with each and employees who work remotely and rarely make it into the office can all be called into the same room.
You can use this time to ask about anything! You may want to know about your employee’s experience with the new policies of the company implemented, overall job satisfaction, or even provide feedback on their job performance. With a group meeting, you have the ability to create an interactive environment where new perspectives, ideas, and knowledge can be shared.

Challenges of one on one meetings. and how you can overcome them

1) Lack of preparation

Challenge: “Which meeting is this for again?” or ” which is the next meeting?” It’s the undeniable way to know that your meeting will be filled with people who either don’t know what’s going on or don’t care, making it quite difficult to land on new ideas and solutions.

Solution: Preparing meeting materials before time spreads participant awareness for the issues, generates interest, and builds confidence quick way to get employees engaged is by building a meeting agenda and sharing it with the employee for feedback.

2) Too many talking points

Challenge: We only have a few hours or minutes in a day, to complete one-on-one meetings if there are many talking points in a meeting. A common challenge in meetings is that employees will underestimate the time it takes to thoroughly cover a topic point so consider leaving time for subtopics, clarification questions, and planning the next steps.

Solution: Keep the focus on the main topics and narrow in on the important points. Ensure that you have enough time to completely present, one-on-one meetings may be able to progress through points quicker.

3) Poor communication between meeting people

Challenge: You can’t say that everyone will have the same approach power to brainstorming, solving issues, or communicating. However, not aligning on the meeting purpose and schedule is an issue that’s harder to get around, and this can cause slow productivity in a person.

Solution: Create a good environment and healthy work relationships to help to discuss matters. If you have a new team or you’re having trouble deciding how to approach a one-on-one meeting, will help you learn what works best for your team and give you time to co-ordinates with them.

Here are a few tips to help you prepare for your one-on-one meeting:

1. Decide a time that works best for both:

If this is your first one-on-one with an employee, decide what time works best for both you and your direct report to meet and both can reliably commit to.

2. Schedule meetings:

Make your one-on-one low effort by booking a recurring meeting rather than a new one each week or month. Then you’ll both have them on your calendar long-term and won’t forget to book the next one.

3. Set expectations for your team:

Start meeting by telling your employees exactly how you want your one-on-one meeting to go. Explain both your role and responsibility.

4. Add questions to your agenda:

Think of questions or topics you want to discuss in advance and add them to the agenda.

5. Send a reminder:

Give your employee a little a day before the meeting to complete the agenda

6. Set a time before:

Block off 10 minutes before the meeting to collect left-out data. You don’t want to be late or left out in a one-on-one meeting. Use the time to review your agenda and be focused and prepared.


Gearing up for one-on-one meetings can seem like a daunting task — especially if you’re not sure what to expect. But if you’re prepared, these meetings can act as powerful catalysts for positive change in your relationships and overall happiness.

One-on-one meetings can help your employees build relationships and feel valued, they can also make employees feel better and appreciated.

While One-on-Ones are supposed to be more informal check-ins, they do need some particular structure to ensure they’re a success. It helps managers to train the company on how to lead engaging and valuable profit for the company.

FAQ’s on One on One Meetings:

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The Secrets of Training Employees for a Productive Workplace Environment

Training your employees is not only vital for success in the workplace, but also for creating an effective and productive environment. Employees who have been trained properly can handle their roles more effectively and take the stress off their managers.

Having a good onboarding process in place to introduce new hires to their role and setting expectations for productivity is key. Along with mentoring programs, regular check-ins, skills training, and adult learning principles that promote involvement and participation can help create an engaging space with high motivation levels.

Training is the process of enhancing employees’ skills, capabilities and knowledge for doing a particular job role in a firm.

The training process helps to boost and leads to the quality performance of employees. It is continuous and never-ending in things in anyone’s life. As technology advances and workplace strategies evolve, there comes a need for professionals to guide these changes in terms of knowledge and skills employees need training.

Providing employees with relevant and consistent training programs can help improve performance and efficiency in the workplace.

Providing frequent feedback also allows employees to improve on areas where they’re lacking while also reinforcing their growth in other areas. It’s important to keep finding creative ways to reward good work so employees always feel valued and stay engaged with tasks.

Regularly get employee feedback too – hear directly from your team about what works for them and what doesn’t, which will give you better insight into how you can provide better support for your team members.

At the end of the day, having a positive attitude and creating an empowering culture of respect and appreciation set a strong foundation for professional growth within your workplace environment.

The appropriate training is essential to keep the workers informed about their job roles and responsibilities, engaging them actively in the operations of the organization. Training programs must be designed strategically and implemented at different levels within an organization in order for it to effectively foster collaboration and create an atmosphere of continual learning.

In this article we will explore the secrets behind effective employee training for a productive work environment.

What is employee training?

Employee training is about helping your employees learn and develop their skills and knowledge so that they can become more effective, and productive at what they do in their job.

Many businesses invest in employee training because it can increase staff motivation, and boost their productivity and the quality of work. Employees who are trained are more likely to have a long-term commitment to their employer and perform better at work.

Employee training can be delivered through programs such as corporate e-learning, in-person sessions, face-to-face coaching, group workshops etc.

Types of training and development for employees

1) Management training

Employees can have different levels of management training when they are being promoted to different positions in an organization. This type of training is meant to prepare them for the higher responsibilities they will have in the organization.

2) Sales training

Employees, especially those in the sales and marketing sector, maybe need to go through sales training to increase their skills in selling and marketing a company’s products and services.

3) On-the-job training

When an employee is new at the company, they may go through on-the-job training that will help them learn what is expected of them and what job skills are necessary for their position.

4) Mentoring scheme

When entry-level employees need to work under an experienced supervisor or senior in order to learn more about their job and gain some experience working in an organization.

5) In-house training

Most organizations conduct different levels of in-house training for their employees according to their job roles.

Importance of Training in organization

  • Training is very important for organizational development and making it successful. It is helpful to both employers and employees of an organization.
  • The training helps the new employees to familiarise themself with the organizational mission, vision, rules and regulations and working conditions.
  • The existing employees are trained to refresh and enhance their skills and knowledge.
  • If any updations and amendments take place in technology, training is given to cope with those new changes. For instance, purchasing new equipment changes in the technique of working, etc.
  • When promotion and career growth become important training is given so that employees are prepared to share the responsibilities of the higher-level job with their junior.

The benefits of training employees

  1. Improves morale of employees- Training helps the employee to get job security and job satisfaction from their job role. The more satisfied the employee is and the greater his morale, the more they will contribute to organizational success.

  2. Less supervision- A well-trained employee will be well and will need less supervision. Thus, there will be less waste of time and effort.

  3. Fewer Errors – Errors are possible to occur if the employees lack the knowledge and skills required for doing a particular job. The more trained an employee is, the fewer the chances of committing errors on the job and the more proficient the employee becomes.

  4. Increased productivity- Training improves the efficiency, skill and productivity of employees. Well-trained employees show both quantity and quality performance at the same time. There is less wastage of time, money and resources if employees are well trained.

Why is there a need for training for employees?

1) Reduce employee resource expense

Employee resourcing can be expensive and can be highly disruptive–and costly. Normally, it takes 55-60% of the employee’s salary to find their direct replacement.

Offering employee training is the best and most effective way to reduce employee resource expenses. According to LinkedIn Learning, 92% of employees say they would stay at a firm longer if it invested in its development program.

2) Improve employee engagement

Employee engagement remains a moving target for most companies, but it’s critical for company results. The Economic Times stated that one in five (20%) employees in India enjoy the highest level of employee engagement. Employees who feel better learn and grow at their companies 3.5 times.

And more possible to be engaged, employee training opportunities present the best tool for increasing both engagement and profit for the organisation.

3) Boost Productivity

Productivity is essential for organisations to work properly. And offering employee training is one of the most straightforward ways organisations can boost their output.

Learning how to use new technologies or new tools, ranging from scheduling applications to artificial intelligence, can be important to save time and makes daily tasks easier. The benefits of training employees on soft skills boost productivity and reduce time wastage.

4) Improve team functionality

Most employees work in teams, yet those teams are rarely optimised for success in the organisation. To succeed, teams need complementary skills that help them to work in an efficient way.

Identifying gaps and providing them with training can impact the productivity of every member. Team training on communications skills, and conflict management, can also help build trust among employees for each other and reduce time lost to misunderstandings and conflict.

5) Enhance management

Poor management is one of the biggest challenges a company faces when ineffective employees impact the company. In a bad way, the importance of employee training which will help employees to communicate effectively, develop their skills, think strategically, and react to challenges with flexibility can increase both team performance and employee satisfaction.


Employee training and development programs give employees the good opportunity to expand their knowledge base within their roles in the organization. Employee training is very important to the success of a competitive organisation.

No matter the industry, filling the gaps in your employees’ professional knowledge is essential to keeping them productive and is important for the growth of the organisation. Training employees through a high-quality training program will make the organisation successful.

Any company or organization depends on its employees for success, but thriving in today’s dynamic business environment needs more – it needs a well-trained, committed workforce. From new hires to senior management, training plays an integral role in creating a productive workplace environment where everyone is motivated and engaged.


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12 Ways To Handle Conflict In A Team

Conflict in teams can come from many different sources – communication breakdowns, personality clashes or even cultural differences.

But regardless of the root cause, conflict should never be ignored.

Every workplace is filled with various people with different personalities, backgrounds, work habits, cultures, values, and ideas. While these differences can bring unique and diverse perspectives and other advantages to an individual, they may also result in the occasional conflict in the workplace.

Whether it’s a disagreement about how to proceed on a project, position race with a colleague, any other topic related to work, or who’s responsible for certain tasks, if left ignored, disputes can have a negative impact on employees, within a team and the business.

It’s important to make sure everyone is heard and is treated with respect during any discussion relating to team conflict.

Conflicts are inevitable in a person’s life. And when they happen in your workspace, the idea is not to try to stop them but rather to resolve and handle them in an effective manner.

When communicating, always focus on a solution-oriented approach that allows everyone to express their opinion without offending others.

Respectfully challenging ideas and having tough conversations without damaging trust takes skill and practice.

Ensure you develop effective strategies for diffusing disagreements quickly, such as using positive language and body language, active listening techniques or compromise when necessary.

Furthermore, it pays for both leaders and team members to have self-awareness so they understand how their own biases can influence decisions within the team.

Working through different scenarios together is an effective way of preparing your team to handle difficulties when they arise in future.

Ultimately dealing with conflicts takes time and patience from all parties involved – remembering that collaboration leads to better problem-solving outcomes than competition will save you plenty of headache down the track.

Check out these 12 ways for dealing with conflict in a team.

1) Communicate

Communication is an easy way to handle conflict. Each person should actively listen and acknowledge the point of view of other people in a respectful manner, then work together to find a solution that works for the team. Sometimes, communication with a person can be useful to resolve the conflict by being willing to compromise.

2) Have patience

If you’re looking to resolve a conflict with a person on your team, you’ll need patience.

It’s important to remember that the problem may not be solved immediately, even if you have a solution. but, you’ll want to take the time to listen to other perspectives and value them evenly.

Even if there’s a clear point, rushing to a resolution can make the other person feel like they’re left out in the decision-making process. Taking the time to consider all options you have can help create a long-term solution that can make the work environment comfortable.

3) Focus on the issue and not on the person involved

Focus on the issue as a specific matter or behaviour instead of blaming the other person’s character. This makes the conflict feel less personal for both people and thus makes it easier to solve.

It can also save your relationship with the other person, where otherwise you might decide not to work with them anymore which can affect both the person’s career and organisation.

4) Neutral language

Keep the neutral language and keep the discussion simple and non-judgmental. Don’t use slang, or inflammatory language (like profanity, taunting, name-calling, and put-downs) only escalates the conflict.

Instead, keep the discussion less emotional by using simple and normal language. Rephrase negative statements into neutral comments and ask sincere questions to get your other person your side of the story and use a calm, even tone of voice.

5) Try to find a solution

Whenever you have a chance to discuss the situation in your hand,  you can try to find a solution and how to get there. Try to have an open dialogue conversation. However, if the situation requires further resolution, you will need to step in and get things in a negotiating process.

This phase can require some time and effort, as it requires setting aside their differences and preferences and finding some common solution to work towards then, you have to work with the solution being achieved.

6) Emotional Intelligence

Sometimes you have kept the other person’s emotional state as well. Try to describe the ability to perceive and understand other peoples’ emotions as well as your own.

Emotional Intelligence is important when managing conflict because it prevents the situation from getting worse. If you can effectively interpret your opposition’s emotions, it’ll be easier to communicate with them without provoking them and making a situation more difficult. Keeping the anger, and frustration away from the conflict leaves space for everyone involved to think creatively and logically about a solution.

7) Positivity

It’s very difficult to come to agree on a solution even if you do agree, a half-hearted compromise doesn’t motivate you to actually follow through on your end of the solution. This can even provide another person with an excuse to avoid dealing with the conflict altogether.

Being positive about your conflict actions is a great way to keep the conversation moving forward with your work life.

8) Don’t take it on a personal level

A conflict with a team member is typically not a conflict with you on a personal level. It usually involves different policies that you as a team member must adhere to or even unvoiced expectations that other people have for your role or professional level. Thus, a conflict that emerges is rarely ever an attack on you on a mental level.

9) Have a discussion

To manage conflict, you must be willing to discuss the circumstances and situation. Discussion is the most important part of managing a conflict so the workplace doesn’t absorb the negative effects of the conflict. It also helps everyone understand other perspectives and feel comfortable sharing their own opinions.

10) Involve leadership or HR

In some cases, you may need to involve your HR department or a boss if a conflict can’t be resolved, whether it’s because someone is failing to cooperate or something much more serious, such as harassment or discrimination can happen. Resolving workplace conflicts requires teamwork and an understanding of each other’s differing opinions.

11) Figure out the main issue

In many cases, what people think that workplace conflicts are about is quite different from the real issue. Maybe you notice that your team member is consistently not agreeing with you in the common areas. So, when you discuss the issue, make sure to focus on asking questions and pin down your needs to be met on all sides involved in the conflict.

12) Establish common goals

Once you’ve gotten down to the core of the conflict that you are facing, you’ll need to collaborate to establish common goals in order to move ahead in future. In this stage, you come to know all sides about how the conflict should be resolved.

This step is critical because when people know they are working towards a mutual goal, they’re more likely to be committed to taking the necessary actions to reach those goals. Find things in common that both sides would like to see happen, and develop a simple action plan to make those things work.


When people work together, it’s only natural that they have a conflict on how to approach a task or project or any other matter.

Conflict in teams is inevitable, but it is possible to manage disputes in a positive way. First and foremost, communicating openly and clearly will help you settle an issue before it spirals out of control.

Furthermore, be sure to listen actively, rather than defending or attacking. Listening will make the other person feel heard and respected. Additionally, do not forget to stay positive during the conflict, even if it seems difficult at times.

And while different team members may have varying opinions and perspectives on the dispute matter, finding common ground through constructive discussions can lead to improved creativity and collaboration.

In this article, we have brought up 12 ways to handle conflict in a team and adapt these ways to avoid conflict.


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7 Major Productivity Roadblocks

Are you constantly struggling with being able to focus on important tasks? Are you having trouble organizing your time effectively? If yes, then these 7 productivity roadblocks might be stopping you from achieving your goals.

We live in a modern world where success, failure, achievements and productivity go hand in hand. But for a more productive lifestyle, it’s easy to get sidetracked and end up slaving away on a 70-hour workweek. It depends on us.

Whenever this happens, take a moment to step back and figure out why things are going wrong. Most of the time, we seek more innovative ways to reach our goals in order to make more time for what matters and achieve a lasting sense of fulfilment.

As you evaluate you should figure out what keeps you stuck to living your ideal work life, cultivate mindfulness, and increase your productivity and self-awareness. There are multiple great paths or designs to your work life. You have to start with yourself to be open to change and envision new possibilities for yourself that will open new doors in the future.

Productivity is defined as the ability of a person or organization to complete work or achieve objectives efficiently. In today’s world, where multitasking is considered normal, it’s often difficult to get things done without distractions.

Efficiently managing time and maximizing personal productivity requires a balance between effort and reward, focus and flexibility, and structure and spontaneity. Each person has his/her own unique way of approaching the challenges of achieving maximum efficiency. Therefore, the key to effectively improving productivity is understanding the individual differences that exist.

Whether you’re working from home or in the office, these seven common productivity roadblocks can slow down your output and even cause stress.

1) Prioritizing everything

One of the biggest challenges to productivity is letting your day dictate itself, rather than mapping it out in advance in the morning. The problem is that we want to prioritize every single thing in life at the same time while deciding and doing at the same time. It often leads to poor time management and impulsivity.

Different parts of the brain are used when making a decision and actually acting on it.  For example: If you have a meeting today in the office but you even have to plan for your next project outline so you have attended that meeting as well and both are on the same day and piling on each other so you couldn’t make a decision.

Solution: Manage your days

There’s a simple way to help keep you on is managing your days. At the end of each workday, spend 15 minutes planning what tomorrow and the two days after will look like will be productive. Write a schedule for each day, so that you’re able to manage chunks of time for important work, and adjust your schedule each day to better reflect your priorities.

2) Getting distracted from the task

The constant interruptions, distractions, and unexpected things that come up in the day create a mess up with the task you do already. Derailments are a massive waste of time, yet it turns out, we’re often to blame for our distractions.

Roughly half of the interruptions are self-imposed, and it takes about 23 minutes to get back on task. That’s why creating a schedule in advance and having it at hand can help avoid distractions that come in your daily task.

Solution: Be prepared for distractions

At the end of each day, don’t just plan how you’ll spend the following day, ask yourself what distractions might pop up. You might have little idea about your distractions.

This could be anything from the colleague who always seems to be in crisis mode and needs your help in particular tasks or anticipating distractions that can help you both figure out ways to avoid them and build them into your schedule.

3) Not giving yourself enough time

Creating a schedule is worthless if you haven’t been honest with yourself about how much time each task will take you to complete your task.

When it feels impossible to stick to a daily schedule, it’s easy to feel helpless or defeated. That’s where distraction comes in. But distraction is usually the first sign that you’re overwhelmed with your productivity.

Solution: Be realistic

Be realistic about how much time is needed to get stuff done when creating your daily schedule so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. Think through what things you need to prepare in advance.

4) Accessibility at all times

Being constantly accessible is a major time-suck. Answering emails at the moment is an easy way to feel useful and valued about your day. There are times When your days are really crazy and you’re in pure reactive mode, you feel like I have to answer every email. I have to be accessible at any time and now my value is in my accessibility.

But that accessibility is just a substitute for where your real value is getting over that important project, writing that report, designing that product. Those are the kinds of tasks that require important chunks of uninterrupted time.

Solution: Invest time in being off the grid

This thing can easily be handled by just making sure that your value is not in your accessibility but in your ability to unplug, concentrate, and produce really quality work.

5) Not taking breaks

Time away from work is as important to productivity as time investing in your work. We often get into the mindset that we can’t take a break until whatever we are working on is completed. But that only results in stress and a lot of wasted time doing mindless stuff rather than taking quality breaks.

Solution: Make time for yourself

You’re better off taking the night off to spend time with family or friends and go for a long walk or do whatever you feel like doing which will make you feel relaxed.

6) Micromanagement

Micromanagement is a roadblock to productivity. This could be a manager hovering over you and watching while you work or a client constantly checking up on the process. While micromanagement might seem like merely tracking the progress of a task, it is quite damaging to the creative process.

 It deters innovation, decreases the speed at which your complete organization executes work, and decreases the amount of positivity in the work.

Solution: Handle micromanagement

You can, however, avoid being distracted from your work by controlling Micromanagement.

7) Switching tools constantly

This roadblock let us take the example of the designer. A designer who works predominantly in Adobe products and the Creative Cloud, instant messaging to manage resources and stay on top of the workload.

But this means when a creative director leaves feedback on a logo or your content, you have to switch from Adobe to a communication tool multiple times throughout the day just to monitor incoming comments. This thing means changing which leads to time lost from executing the work.

Solutions: Downloadable eBook

By limiting the tools that are used to manage the workflow, you will be overcoming this roadblock.


In this article, we are talking about 7 major productivity roadblocks and their solution to overcome them which can be distractions and overworking. A productivity roadblock is a metaphor referring to something that is getting in your way of where you want to go. A productivity roadblock refers to something within yourself that is getting in the way of achieving your goal.

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