20 Best Motivational Quotes For Studying And Excelling

Motivation! It is not just a word but a kind of kick in life to the uninspired person. Motivation is needed in every phase of our lives but sometimes we don’t realise it.

Whether in academics or relationships or in setting and achieving goals, everyone needs motivation in their life. However, when it comes to students like you, there are lots of aspects of a student’s life where they genuinely need motivational quotes to study.

These motivational quotes for the study will help you to stay motivated for studying and excelling. Great thinkers, leaders, and writers all have incredible things to say about studying in this round-up of inspiring quotes for students.

1) “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.”

― Pelé, Brazillian pro footballer

Success is no accident. A person attributes success to so many things around. Things like families, friends, education, work, skills, and talents could all be part of your success journey.  Apart from them, certain core variables constitute the right success equation.

Among them, the first and foremost variable is ‘doing things that you love’. When you do things you love, you find every positive outcome result and success, even if it’s little.

2) “There are no secrets to success. It results from preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

― General Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State

One of the important success tips for students is to learn from their mistakes rather than avoid them. Your hard work and patience always have a way of coming back to you and giving you good results.

3) “There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

― Beverly Sills, operatic soprano

We need to remind the organizations we work with that the work does, in fact, take time to get done right.

4) “Make sure your own worst enemy doesn’t live between your two ears.”

― Laird Hamilton, surfer

We can often be our own worst enemies when it comes to goal setting. When we lose focus and motivation, fail miserably, or aren’t making noticeable progress, we tend to destroy our own success.

5) “If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.”

― Henry Ford

Every person wants someone other than themselves to believe in them. You thrive on hearing cheers from others as we crush our obstacles and emerge winning. That’s because seeing others believe in us gives us validation of our point of view that something is possible.

But sometimes you often fail to do is validate your own abilities. You must believe that our goals.

6) “The difference between winning and losing is most often… not quitting.”

― Walt Disney

Getting into the habit of working out doesn’t come naturally to someone. And once we do start working out, it can be too easy for other priorities to start pulling their focus away from their larger goals.

Whatever your goals, you’re never going to reach them standing still. It’s important to keep the end goal and results in mind to keep you motivated while doing anything in life.

7) “You can’t get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good.”

― Jerry West

This quote can be applied to students Imagine if you worked on anything in your life only when the mood struck. How much could you get to accomplish any goal? If you’re not in the mood to work out, find what inspires you to get moving.

8) “Everybody has to start somewhere. You have your whole future ahead of you. Perfection doesn’t happen right away.”

― Haruki Murakami

Everybody is different. Some of us take more time than others to start seeing progress in anything we do. Some of us are going to work harder for less noticeable and good results. It may take a few months or even a year to reach your goal.

9) “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”

― Sean Patrick Flanery

It’s essential to focus on the way towards your destination, not just the destination itself. Every decision you make is a step forward or backwards from your goal, and ten years from now, you’ll be kicking yourself for not having made an effort. Remember, your future self is watching you.

10) “Life is all about having a good time”

― Miley Cyrus

This quote is the message for all of us. Most of the time we are in a mood of “not having a good time” without any reason or suddenly sometimes we get mood swings. But by focusing on what positive actions you can take? in the current situation no matter what.

11) “Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream”

― Malcolm Muggeridge

This is quoted it’s highlighting the fact that most of the time you are going with the flow and we call it fate. So if you are going with the flow then surely you are not creating or controlling your destiny, so basically, you cannot blame the flow with which you are swimming in your life.

12) “Your positive action combined with positive thinking results in success”

― Shiv Khera

This motivational life quote is self-explanatory. if you want to be successful what you need is loads of positive steps towards your life aims and combating the difficulties through positive thinking.

13) “A little progress each day adds up to big results.”

― Satya Nani

Don’t expect that you’ll be able to take study you need to study quickly and without difficulty. Give yourself the time to take small steps and divide big study topics into smaller chunks. You’ll learn something new every day, which means you’re making progress every day little.

14) “Skill is only developed by hours and hours of work.”

― Usain Bolt

To get Mastering at a skill in the time and effort it takes to become good at something. If you set your mind to it and train or study hard, you can learn any skill you want.

15) “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.”

― B.B. King

What you’re studying today, nobody can take away from you what you learn. Knowledge is a power that stays with you as long as you keep using it to achieve something. Use this power to grow and become the person you want to be.

16) “Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”

― Dalai Lama

This quote will help you when your trying to study quotes Starting your day with a positive attitude towards learning and your life of study can be a great help to make your day in school or college go smoothly. A few minutes of reflection and writing down one positive thought in a gratitude journal every day will gradually create a more positive outlook.

17) “You can’t have a better tomorrow if you’re still thinking about yesterday.”

― Charles F. Kettering

Sometimes exams or essays might not go as planned and you find yourself disturb over what you should have done better over and over again. Instead of thinking about what you did wrong, write down the lessons you learned and apply them to your next assignment.

18) “How wonderful it is that nobody needs to wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

― Anne Frank

Every day you start a new day, a new beginning you get the chance to improve and learn something new. Sometimes it’s easy to fall into a pattern of a better tomorrow when you keep pushing an assignment or studying for an exam to the following day.

19) “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.”

― Milton Berle

It takes a lot of courage to follow your own path and generate opportunities for yourself, but there are ways to do so. Always be on the lookout for new opportunities to help you move your studies and try to get more education. If you find a topic hard to understand, find a study group to help you or watch videos on YouTube and be proactive in attending extra tutorial sessions.

20) “Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.”

― Gail Devers

Sometimes all the group assignments and exams seem to add up to an unconquerable workload. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by college work, focus on what you’re getting started with first instead of planning too much into the future.


Studying and getting an education can open our eyes and expand our minds unlike anything else. It let us continually reshape how we see the world, leading to an improved and more well-rounded life. And it all starts with being a student but sometimes you can feel demotivated.

In this article, we have mentioned that motivational quotes for studying and excelling are sure to inspire you to reignite your passion for learning. So whether you’re a teacher hoping to encourage students or an academic looking for moving words to get you through the school or college year, there’s something for everyone in this article.


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