Amazon introduces a new privacy feature to Alexa

Amazon has included a new privacy feature to its Alexa voice assistant. Users can now save their voice recordings to Alexa devices. They can select the voice recordings they want to save and the other voice recordings will get removed automatically after Alexa processes the request. It will also delete all earlier saved recordings. Users can watch voice transcripts of Alexa 30 days before they get removed. 

They have the option to delete the transcripts per Alexa device, based on date range, one at a time, or all at once. If the users don’t want the recordings to be saved, then they can set the settings to delete voice transcripts on a 3-month or 8-month basis.

To enable this privacy setting users must follow these steps :

Alexa App –> More Menu –> Settings –> Alexa Privacy –> Manage your Alexa data

Users can visit Alexa’s privacy settings online also. Users can review privacy settings by asking questions to Alexa like, “ Alexa, How does my data improve?. To delete your voice history, you can say “Delete everything I have said, Alexa”. For more details, users can visit the Alexa Privacy hub. 

Amazon also announced some new features for Alexa like it can detect the breaking of a glass, take feedback and work on it, crying of a baby, coughing, or snoring. The advancement in self-learning tech enables humans to teach Alexa directly. Alexa in return asks questions and develops. When you ask Alexa to stop doing something, it detects your tones and determines if a particular work was unsatisfactory and automatically corrects herself.

With this latest update, Alexa will be able to distinguish when people are talking among themselves and when they are talking with the assistant. Alexa will also use a combination of ambient sounds versus human speech (acoustic), questions directed to Alexa versus another human (linguistic), and visual (looking at devices versus each other) cues to predict that a particular act is directed to her.

Along with behavioral updates, Alexa has come with a new security feature called “Guard Plus”. This new feature will help people protect their homes.