7 Major Productivity Roadblocks

Are you constantly struggling with being able to focus on important tasks? Are you having trouble organizing your time effectively? If yes, then these 7 productivity roadblocks might be stopping you from achieving your goals.

We live in a modern world where success, failure, achievements and productivity go hand in hand. But for a more productive lifestyle, it’s easy to get sidetracked and end up slaving away on a 70-hour workweek. It depends on us.

Whenever this happens, take a moment to step back and figure out why things are going wrong. Most of the time, we seek more innovative ways to reach our goals in order to make more time for what matters and achieve a lasting sense of fulfilment.

As you evaluate you should figure out what keeps you stuck to living your ideal work life, cultivate mindfulness, and increase your productivity and self-awareness. There are multiple great paths or designs to your work life. You have to start with yourself to be open to change and envision new possibilities for yourself that will open new doors in the future.

Productivity is defined as the ability of a person or organization to complete work or achieve objectives efficiently. In today’s world, where multitasking is considered normal, it’s often difficult to get things done without distractions.

Efficiently managing time and maximizing personal productivity requires a balance between effort and reward, focus and flexibility, and structure and spontaneity. Each person has his/her own unique way of approaching the challenges of achieving maximum efficiency. Therefore, the key to effectively improving productivity is understanding the individual differences that exist.

Whether you’re working from home or in the office, these seven common productivity roadblocks can slow down your output and even cause stress.

1) Prioritizing everything

One of the biggest challenges to productivity is letting your day dictate itself, rather than mapping it out in advance in the morning. The problem is that we want to prioritize every single thing in life at the same time while deciding and doing at the same time. It often leads to poor time management and impulsivity.

Different parts of the brain are used when making a decision and actually acting on it.  For example: If you have a meeting today in the office but you even have to plan for your next project outline so you have attended that meeting as well and both are on the same day and piling on each other so you couldn’t make a decision.

Solution: Manage your days

There’s a simple way to help keep you on is managing your days. At the end of each workday, spend 15 minutes planning what tomorrow and the two days after will look like will be productive. Write a schedule for each day, so that you’re able to manage chunks of time for important work, and adjust your schedule each day to better reflect your priorities.

2) Getting distracted from the task

The constant interruptions, distractions, and unexpected things that come up in the day create a mess up with the task you do already. Derailments are a massive waste of time, yet it turns out, we’re often to blame for our distractions.

Roughly half of the interruptions are self-imposed, and it takes about 23 minutes to get back on task. That’s why creating a schedule in advance and having it at hand can help avoid distractions that come in your daily task.

Solution: Be prepared for distractions

At the end of each day, don’t just plan how you’ll spend the following day, ask yourself what distractions might pop up. You might have little idea about your distractions.

This could be anything from the colleague who always seems to be in crisis mode and needs your help in particular tasks or anticipating distractions that can help you both figure out ways to avoid them and build them into your schedule.

3) Not giving yourself enough time

Creating a schedule is worthless if you haven’t been honest with yourself about how much time each task will take you to complete your task.

When it feels impossible to stick to a daily schedule, it’s easy to feel helpless or defeated. That’s where distraction comes in. But distraction is usually the first sign that you’re overwhelmed with your productivity.

Solution: Be realistic

Be realistic about how much time is needed to get stuff done when creating your daily schedule so that you don’t feel overwhelmed. Think through what things you need to prepare in advance.

4) Accessibility at all times

Being constantly accessible is a major time-suck. Answering emails at the moment is an easy way to feel useful and valued about your day. There are times When your days are really crazy and you’re in pure reactive mode, you feel like I have to answer every email. I have to be accessible at any time and now my value is in my accessibility.

But that accessibility is just a substitute for where your real value is getting over that important project, writing that report, designing that product. Those are the kinds of tasks that require important chunks of uninterrupted time.

Solution: Invest time in being off the grid

This thing can easily be handled by just making sure that your value is not in your accessibility but in your ability to unplug, concentrate, and produce really quality work.

5) Not taking breaks

Time away from work is as important to productivity as time investing in your work. We often get into the mindset that we can’t take a break until whatever we are working on is completed. But that only results in stress and a lot of wasted time doing mindless stuff rather than taking quality breaks.

Solution: Make time for yourself

You’re better off taking the night off to spend time with family or friends and go for a long walk or do whatever you feel like doing which will make you feel relaxed.

6) Micromanagement

Micromanagement is a roadblock to productivity. This could be a manager hovering over you and watching while you work or a client constantly checking up on the process. While micromanagement might seem like merely tracking the progress of a task, it is quite damaging to the creative process.

 It deters innovation, decreases the speed at which your complete organization executes work, and decreases the amount of positivity in the work.

Solution: Handle micromanagement

You can, however, avoid being distracted from your work by controlling Micromanagement.

7) Switching tools constantly

This roadblock let us take the example of the designer. A designer who works predominantly in Adobe products and the Creative Cloud, instant messaging to manage resources and stay on top of the workload.

But this means when a creative director leaves feedback on a logo or your content, you have to switch from Adobe to a communication tool multiple times throughout the day just to monitor incoming comments. This thing means changing which leads to time lost from executing the work.

Solutions: Downloadable eBook

By limiting the tools that are used to manage the workflow, you will be overcoming this roadblock.


In this article, we are talking about 7 major productivity roadblocks and their solution to overcome them which can be distractions and overworking. A productivity roadblock is a metaphor referring to something that is getting in your way of where you want to go. A productivity roadblock refers to something within yourself that is getting in the way of achieving your goal.

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