The Different Ways Men And Women Communicate In The Business Environment

Do you ever feel like the communication styles of men and women are worlds apart? When it comes to working in a business environment, how do men and women communicate differently?

Gender differences can affect communication in various ways — from body language to speaking styles. Women and men’s styles of communicating can seem completely different, especially in the corporate world when nuances are important.

Growing up, boys and girls are often segregated, restricting them to socialize solely with individuals of their gender, learning a distinct culture as well as their gender’s norms which can be as male, female or others. This results in differences in communication between them, inclining both genders to communicate for contrasting reasons.

Let’s take an example, men are more likely to communicate as a way to maintain their status and independence in society, while women tend to view communication as a path to create friendships and build relationships with others.

For men, communication is a way to negotiate powerlessness, seek wins, avoid failure and offer advice, among other things. For women, communication is a way to get closer, seek understanding and find equality. More than half (65%) of all communication in conversation is done so in a nonverbal form.

One major difference between male and female communication styles is in the amount of emotion that is used in their conversations. Gendered cultural norms such as emotional expression and communication styles are both learned in childhood through interactions with family members, mentors and friends.

Specifically, conversations that children have with their peers help them learn appropriate emotional responses which develop their acknowledgement and understanding.

Women tend to place a greater value towards these skills emphasizing the importance of communication that expresses feelings and emotions whereas in the case of men, on the other hand, place a higher importance on active forms of communication such as persuasion and narrative techniques. One area in which the disparity in communication styles can lead to inequality simply based on biology is in schools and the workplace.

When these differences clash, misunderstandings and confusion arise. Recognizing how each gender communicates will help us better understand our colleagues and get the most out of our working relationships. Here we take a look at the main differences between male and female communication in the business environment.

Here are the different ways men and women communicate in the business environment

1) Different talking styles

The way females and males talk is different. A female can talk about content and pay attention to the process of how communication is delivered at the same time.

Males can pay attention to the content of what they are speaking, but not the process.

2) The decision-making process

There’s a huge difference in terms of how decisions are made for each individual. What you’re going to find is that females want to be involved in the decision-making process, not just the final decision; they tend to like to listen to the whole situation, whereas males will watch to only want the final decision.

3) Convincing and approachable

The thing that is helpful to understand is the difference between credible and approachable according to gender. Female structure of their voice tends to be that they move their head up and down and their voice comes out very rolling according to the situation they are in.

So they’re seen as being very, very approachable which is kind of helpful in the workplace. Males tend to have their heads still as they are seen as convincing.

4) Conflict in the workplace

The other thing that you may want to look at in terms of male and female conflict in the workplace, point number four is the idea of at the workplace, when you have to bring up a subject, matter, kind of, you don’t want to, females bring it up 75% of the time more than the males.

5) Facts & feelings

Every type of communication has both an intellectual and an emotional element. Women are generally more comfortable talking about their feelings in matters. Men prefer to focus on the facts and skip the feelings when discussing any matter. It is essential for both genders to see there are two parts while communicating.

6) Apologize

Women tend to apologize more often, which can signal weakness to men. Men tend to compliment others less often than women. Men focus on fact-based conversations that can end suddenly, while women tend toward extended conversations about complex, often emotional topics or matters.

7) Non-Verbal Communication

Women use body language to affirm the person they are communicating with. They believe that non-verbal communication demonstrates investment in the conversation such as using the expression, hand movement, smile, a head nod or direct eye contact.

When men are listening to others, they tend to remain still while communicating. Women often interpret an absence of non-verbal affirmation from men as disinterest in the conversation easily. Women may even repeat themselves to provide more clarification but in this case, men may feel annoyed with this or they may even interpret.

8) Unequal Engagement

Men provide information and they rarely seek information from others. Women seek to understand and listen to others in mixed-gender people. Women are focused on giving everyone an opportunity to contribute to a conversation. Dominating the conversation and interrupting women are behaviours commonly revealed by men. Men may consider it their responsibility to lead a conversation or to demonstrate ability.

9) Stereotypes

Many gender stereotypes tend to lead to a way of thinking that shows men and women maintain different traits and attributes and that the traits that males have are more highly valued than the traits that females possess.

In general, the traits associated with males are perceived as more important for educational and professional success. In a recent study with female managers, the majority of barriers to women’s advancement that were identified were consequences of gender stereotypes.

10) Gender bias in the workplace

One major issue in gender bias in the workplace is the belief of what men and women “should be.” Gender bias leads to men in the workplace being deemed as competitive and independent, while women in the workplace are deemed as cooperative.


The communication way men and women are different in their ability to communicate has been one of the most popular beliefs about gender differences that exist today.

Whether it is with words, tone of talking pattern, voice, emotional expression, or body language, the way in which males and females communicate have been explored in a variety of ways to distinguish the characteristics that makes us so different in this article we are talking about the different ways men And women communicate in the business environment.


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