Now domestic and international flight tickets can be booked on Flipkart : Here is how?

The e-commerce platform Flipkart will now allow its users to book both domestic and International flight tickets. The company is offering several discounts and offers for first-time to users, and a better as well as cheaper alternative for flight bookings. 

The tickets can be booked from both the Flipkart website and by downloading the Flipkart travel app. The procedure is quite simple and easy. If you are booking tickets from either website or the app follow the steps after opening the site page. 

  • Enter the “from” city and “to “ city. 
  • Select the date and class. 
  • From results, users can select the flight according to the price mentioned and date as per their requirement. 

Flipkart has started a huge description for this project saying that “Users can book flight tickets on Flipkart at affordable prices. They can get tickets for domestic flights and international flights at prices that are cheap and pocket-friendly. Hence, users won’t have to worry about not being able to visit their desired destination due to financial reasons. The site has an easy-to-use interface and users can navigate their way through it, and by the time when done with the booking, users will move a day closer to the travel date. Open the site and check the plane ticket prices for domestic or international destinations as per the needs.”

Flipkart has claimed that they are providing the tickets at a cheaper and affordable rate as compared to other travel websites. If users buy tickets on EMI then they will get a 10 percent discount on their tickets and can pay the rest of the amount through EMI.