Podcast: Benefits in business

The employees at your company know all about the organization. If they get a medium talk with your audience, they will be the best podcast guest from the organization. Podcasts have a better ability to influence your audience and clients in a way that increases brand awareness of your company.

Podcasts have a better ability to influence your audience and clients in a way that encourages them to purchase your products and services, invest in your business, or promote your business to their peer group.

What is a Podcast?

A podcast is an audio series that is made available on the Internet. Similar to a TV or radio series, it is made up of episodes and seasons based on specific topics like business or travel.

Here is the best way to start a podcast for your business.

  • Find your niche topic

The first step is the subject of your podcast. The topic is related to your business only but you need to focus on a medium that is broad enough to cover every aspect of your topic. If your industry is not so popular in the podcast field, then some likely listeners may actively search for information. 

Attract an audience with a specific interest and carve out a topic in which you can speak consistently for long stretches.

  • Select a name and a format

The title or name of the podcast should be unique and concise. You can come up with an expressive title that is self-explanatory. Another option is you can be clever and eye-catching but make sure that it relates to your niche. The audience who is looking for the info on your topic must recognize the name immediately. 

There are many podcasts formats available. The most common are solo shows, interview shows, and co-hosted shows. The solo podcast allows you to speak directly with your audience. With a co-hosted show, you share the mic with another podcaster and in an interview show, you speak with a new guest every time who shares his unique expertise and experience.

  • Length of Podcast 

The length of your podcast depends on how much you have to say on a subject and the needs of your listeners. A typical podcast tends to be 20-50 minutes. A podcast aims to connect with your audience and build a community over time. 

  • Podcast Artwork

The podcast cover art is the first thing that your audience will notice going through podcast directories like Google Play or iTunes. Your cover art must be 1400*1400 pixels, in JPG or PNG form. To meet iTunes specifications, podcasts must be under 500KB. Include a logo, use simple fonts, and high-quality images. 

  • Necessary Equipment 

You will need a laptop or tablet, audio recording, a high-quality microphone to record the audio, and editing software.

  • Recording and Editing Software

Podcast recording and editing is an essential part of the podcasting process. Audacity, GarageBand, Adobe Audition are some of the best recording and editing software. Audacity is a free and open-source audio recording and editing program. Such programs are also called Digital Audio Workstations (DAW). 

  • Hosting 

Once you edit the audio and add images to the podcast, choose a platform to store and distribute your podcast’s audio files. You need to create an account with a media host. In addition to your audio files, a hosting service provides marketing tools and stats.

  • Launch and Promote

Before launching, build an audience to listen to your podcast. Announce in advance to your business network through social media and email. Encourage new listeners to subscribe to your podcast and leave a review. You must complete several episodes and upload them on the podcast to get more crowd.

Be open to accept the response from the listeners as they can also be your potential customers. Track the episodes which became more popular among listeners and use these insights in marketing campaigns. 

Regular podcasts build a strong relationship between you and your audience. They become familiar with your voice and presentation style which makes your company’s image in their minds. The listeners get better ideas of your values and the way you are running the business. You can easily integrate the product’s information from their perspective.